
Wednesday 1 July 2020

what i enjoy about the four seasons of the year

I enjoy winter because i can stay inside and play video games
All day and it doesn't get as hot as summer. I like summer because it isn't as cold as winter and I can walk to places without having to wear so much clothes (jersey and jacket).
I enjoy spring because it's getting warmer and I don't have to set up my fire or set up the heater. I enjoy autumn because it's starting to get colder again and you're not getting sunburn when you're taking a walk.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there.
    Thanks dfor sharing your thoughts on the seasons. To be honest my fovourite month is winter because the weather is best and I dont have to worry about being to hot. There could be a bit more detail but that is your choise.
    -Salamander (Jeneva)


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