
Wednesday 11 December 2019

How many Hours Do You Sleep A NIght?

In maths we have been learning more about statistics. I did a survey for numerical data to find out how many hours people slept a night.

This is my data set below

This is the scatter graph I made from the data set
YOu can tell that Ethan sleeps the most and Chelo sleeps the least. Also so do I. I really rarely get enough sleep because my sisters keep me up at night or I play computer games until the early hours of the morning. Probably not a good idea for my learning at school, and feeling good each day, but I struggle to stop doing it.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaileb!
    I really like this post it was very cool!
    I like how you added heaps of information about how much people sleep and why you dont sleep very much.



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